Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Let's get Serious.

I'm a faithful viewer of "Teen Mom," after watching season one of "16 & Pregnant" I was interested in these girls lives. Last night I was watching the new episode of "Teen Mom," a commercial break comes on and what is aired? Season two of "16 & Pregnant." At first I was excited because it's new stories, new girls, new drama but then I stopped myself.  The first season of "16 & Pregnant" told the stories of six girls, season two there's ten! I thought the point of "16 & Pregnant" was to show girls the truth and struggle behind being a teenage mother. Obviously, I was wrong. I thought girls throughout the U.S. would think twice and learn from Maci, Amber, Catelynn, Farrah, Ebony and Whitney. Being a mother brings a massive amount of responsiblities. In my opinion being a mother means filling the shoes of my own mother, which I know for a fact I couldn't even come close to at this age, especially without my moms help. Don't give me wrong, babies are a precious gift from God, a blessing in disguise. I've always felt a baby symbolizes a new start, a fresh beginning. To have a baby at the tender age of 16, 17, 18 means growing in a matter of nine months.

I will admit, I respect the girls of "Teen Mom." They're holding down their responsbilities as mothers, especially Maci and Amber.  I feel "Teen Mom" shows the strength and intergity of young women. But, if can avoid becoming a teen mother, I feel that all teenagers should. With several different contraceptives out in this world, teenagers don't have an excuse. Honestly, watching the struggles and drama the girls of "Teen Mom" deal with has definitely delievered its message to me.  At eighteen transfering to a universitiy, traveling throughout the world and living my life should be my only priorities.

1 comment:

  1. teen mom is my favfavfav<3

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