Saturday, January 9, 2010

Serious Note

Lets talk about politics. During the presidential election in 2008, states also voted on various propositions. In California, Prop. 8 was introduced wanting to outlaw same-sex marriages, to protect traditional marriage and the children. When I researched what Prop. 8 was, I was AGAINST it. I was really hurt when Prop. 8 was passed in such a liberal state. Now, I'm a heterosexual female but I feel that this is wrong on so many levels. I'm still annoyed by the fact a persons sexual preference matters so much,  that someone's sexual preference is placed under such scrutiny. I would expected that a persons gender, race, sexual preference, religious values wouldn't matter but they do, sadly. 

On January 7th, I was reading an article in the LA Times that a Federal judge wants the legal trail of the constitutionality of Prop. 8 to be videotaped to the public and distributed throughout the Internet. Sites such as YouTube will show the trail hours after its occurrence and broadcasted live in various federal courthouses. Now, individuals who support Prop. 8 who will testify feel that they are in danger if the trail is streamed live and I understand why. Also, I feel that if these individuals have the balls to support taking someone's rights away, they better be prepared to speak on it.

Honestly, if the tables were turned I'm positive individuals who are heterosexual would do the same as the homosexual community. I believe in peace, equality, respect and love.  I feel that people shouldn't decide how others can live their life. People complain about how disturbed and messed up this country is but it doesn't surprise me what-so-ever. If we don't believe in equality, how will this country progress to greatness? 

The trial is scheduled to start Monday and is expected to last two to three weeks. So, watch it people!

Side-note: When American Apparel designed this shirt, I went bananas! I have this shirt in electric blue and I wear it with a smile on my face. Also, every time I wear this shirt I get dirty looks from people walking down the street and I just laugh.

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